April 2018

Easter IV

The Holy Spirit and Being “Spiritual”

Easter III

Preparation for the Life to Come

Easter II

Our Shepherd Leads Us

Easter I

The Church as Community

Easter Sunday

Our Faith and the Resurrection

March 2018

Maundy Thursday

Why This Night is Different From Other Nights

Palm Sunday

The Nature of Jesus

Passion Sunday


Lent IV

Bring Your Resources to God

Lent III

The Parable of the Fig Tree: A Little More Time, Another Chance

February 2018

Lent II

No One Has a Special Claim to God

Lent I

Lent: A Little Desert


Finding Resolution and Completion

January 2018


The Parable of the Vineyard: The 11th Hour

Epiphany III

The Wedding at Cana: Oh, How Mothers Can Be!