February 2018

The Thirty-Nine Articles: Their Place and Use Today–Intro and Lecture

The Thirty-Nine Articles: Their Place and Use Today–Panel Discussion (Abridged)

Lent I

Lent: A Little Desert


Finding Resolution and Completion

January 2018


The Parable of the Vineyard: The 11th Hour

Epiphany III

The Wedding at Cana: Oh, How Mothers Can Be!

Epiphany II

The Need to be Baptized

December 2017

Christmas I

Matthew’s Christmas Story: The Role of Joseph

Christmas Day

True Love Comes to Us on Christmas

Christmas Eve

What Does Jesus Mean to Us?

Advent IV

God is With Us

Advent III

Faith, Hope, and Patience

Advent II

Waiting with Patience

Advent I

Taking Advent Seriously: Spiritual Preparation

The 40th Anniversary of the Affirmation of St. Louis: Its Successes and Failures