April 2017

Easter I

What Faith Is


Easter: Ground Zero of Our Faith

Maundy Thursday

The Eucharist: What Does it Do for Me?

Palm Sunday

The Cost of Redemption

Passion Sunday

A Grain of Wheat: The Heart of the Matter

March 2017

Lent IV

God So Loved the World…

Lent III

The Lord is Kind and Merciful to Us All

Lent II

Persistence in Prayer

Lent I

Beginning Lent: Self-Discipline

February 2017


Lent is About Change


God’s Word Sown in our Lives: Am I Different?


The Kingdom of Heaven: Fairness and Envy

Epiphany V

The Wheat and the Tares

January 2017

Epiphany IV

Praying with Faith and Confidence

Epiphany III

The Miracle of the Changing of Water Into Wine as a Sign