October 2016

Trinity XX

The Invitation to Heaven

Trinity XIX

Making All Things New

September 2016

Trinity XVIII

Doing What God Wants Us To Do

Trinity XVII

True Humility

Trinity XVI

God Has Visited His People

Trinity XV

What is Important

August 2016

Trinity XIII

The Measure of Love


A Mountaintop Experience: Seeing Beyond Appearances

July 2016

Trinity X

My House is a House of Prayer

Trinity IX

Forgiveness: The Parable of the Prodigal Son

Trinity VIII

God’s Will For Us

Trinity VII

Come Unto Me, All Ye That Are Troubled, and I Will Give You Rest

Trinity VI

Take My Yoke Upon You, and Learn From Me

June 2016

Trinity V

How Can We Get to Know God Better?

Trinity IV

From Jesus to Apostles to Priests: Direction for our Lives, Healing for our Souls