August 2023

Trinity XI

Take Off Your Mask  (based on Luke 18:9-14)

Trinity X

Power Over Chaos  (based on Matt 8:23-27)  

The Transfiguration

Longing for God  (based on Luke 9:28-36)

July 2023

Trinity VIII

Talk vs. Action  (based on Matt 7:15-21)

Trinity VII

What is a Miracle?  (based on Mark 8:1-9)

Trinity VI

Put Some Heart Into It!  (based on Matt 5:20-26)

Trinity V

Jesus Calls Us  (based on Luke 5:1-11)

Trinity IV

The Comfortable Words  (based on Matt. 11:28-30)

June 2023

Trinity III

Salvaging the Lost  (based on Luke 15:1-7)

St. Barnabas

Longing for More

Trinity Sunday

The Love of the Holy Trinity

May 2023

Sunday After Ascension

Receiving the Holy Spirit (based on John 15:26-16:4a)

Easter V

God’s Unconditional Love  (based on John 16:23-33)

Easter IV

The Church, the Bride of Christ  (based on John 16:5-15)

April 2023

Easter III

Experience the Resurrection  (based on Luke 24:13-14)