October 2022

Trinity XVII

The Bible: The Word of God  (based on 2 Tim 3:16-17)

Trinity XVI

Resuscitation vs. Resurrection  (based on Luke 7:11-17)

September 2022

Trinity XV

The Fundamental Decision  (based on Matt 6:24-34)

Trinity XIV

A Faith Journey  (based on Luke 17:11-18)

Trinity XIII

Irenaeus’ Interpretation of the Good Samaritan  (based on Luke 10:23-36)

Trinity XII

Hearing and Listening  (based on Mark 7:31-37)

August 2022

Trinity XI

Remember the Other  (based on Luke 18:9-14)

Trinity X

Jesus in the Temple  (based on Luke 19:41-47)

Trinity IX

The Better Part  (based on Luke 10:38-42)

The Transfiguration

Christ-Centered and Cross-Centered  (based on Luke 9:28-36)

July 2022

Trinity VII

Enter By the Narrow Gate  (based on Matt. 7:13)

Trinity VI

The Fire of God’s Love  (based on Matt. 5:20-26)

Trinity V

Say Yes to God

Trinity IV

Be Ye Therefore Merciful  (based on Luke 6:36-42)

Trinity III

Called to Witness to Our Faith  (based on Luke 10:1)