August 2018

Trinity X

“My House is a House of Prayer.”

July 2018

Trinity IX

Homecoming: Choosing Not to Stay Lost

Trinity VIII

Christ Has Made the Sure Foundation

Trinity VII

The Sermon on the Mount and the Kingdom of Heaven

Trinity VI

The Sermon on the Mount: Jesus and the Ten Commandments

Trinity V

The Promptings of the Holy Spirit

June 2018

St. John Baptist

John the Baptist: Prepare!

Trinity III

Lost and Found

Trinity II

Responding to the Invitation

Trinity I

The Rich Man and Lazarus

May 2018


The Holy Spirit is Like…

Ascension Sunday

After the Ascension: What is our Job?

Ascension Day

The Joy of the Ascension

Easter V

Making All Things New

April 2018

Easter IV

The Holy Spirit and Being “Spiritual”