November 2020

Advent I

Take Advent Seriously!

Thanksgiving Eve

The Importance of Gratitude  (based on Luke 17:11-19)

Sunday Before Advent

God Provides  (based on John 6:5-14)

Trinity XXII

The Saints and the Beatitudes  (based on Matt 5: 1-12; Rev 7: 2-4, 9-17)  

All Saints Day

Called to be Saints

October 2020

Christ the King

Christ as King  (based on Col 1:12-19, John 18:33-37)  

St. Luke

About St. Luke

Trinity XVIII

Love: The Great Secret  (based on Matt 22: 34-46)

Trinity XVII

Christian Conduct (based on Luke 14:1-11)

September 2020

Trinity XVI

Love, Power, and Prayer (based on Eph 3:17-19)

Trinity XV

Take No Thought

Trinity XIV

Healing and the Sacrament

Trinity XIII

Love is Risky Business

August 2020

Trinity XII

Trusting in God’s Guidance and Direction

Trinity XI

Our Self-Righteousness