Audio Sermon Archive



December 2018

Advent III

Preparing Ourselves for the Kingdom

Advent II

Prepare: Read, Mark, Learn, and Inwardly Digest

Advent I

Where Does the Time Go?

November 2018

Sunday Before Advent

A Miraculous Feeding

Thanksgiving Eve

Cultivate the Virtue of Gratitude

Trinity XXV

Talents: The Gifts God Gives Us

Trinity XXIV

Living in Trust

Trinity XXIII

Give Back to God the Things That Are God’s

October 2018

Christ the King


Trinity XXI

The Whole Armor of God

Trinity XX

Hymns, Psalms, and Spiritual Songs

Trinity XIX

The Head, the Heart, and the Mind

September 2018

Trinity XVIII

Three Kinds of Love

Trinity XVII

True Humility

Trinity XVI

Power and Love