Audio Sermon Archive



July 2021

Trinity VI

The Exceeding Holiness of God
 (based on Matt. 5:20-26)

Trinity V

Knowing Jesus

June 2021

Trinity III

Encountering God’s Mercy

Trinity II

No Excuses!
 (based on Luke 14:16-24)

Trinity I

(based on Luke 16:19-31, 1 John 4:7-21)

May 2021

Trinity Sunday

Living in the Family of the Holy Trinity


The Church Begins
 (based on Acts 2:1-11)

Sunday after Ascension

The Beginning of Something Miraculous
 (based on John 15:26-16:4a)

Ascension Day

Why Did Jesus Have to Leave?
 (based on Luke 24:49-53 & Acts 1:1-11)

Easter V

Our Union With Christ
 (based on John 15:5)

Easter IV

First Fruits, Hearers, and Doers
 (based on James 1:17-21)

April 2021

St. Mark

Our Union With God
(based on John 15:1-11)

Easter II

Christ the Good Shepherd
 (based on John 10:11-16)

Easter I

Recognizing the Risen Jesus
 (based on John 20:19-23)


Witness: Jesus is Alive!
 (based on John 20:1-9)