August 2022

Trinity X

Jesus in the Temple  (based on Luke 19:41-47)

Trinity IX

The Better Part  (based on Luke 10:38-42)

July 2022

Trinity VII

Enter By the Narrow Gate  (based on Matt. 7:13)

Trinity VI

The Fire of God’s Love  (based on Matt. 5:20-26)

Trinity V

Say Yes to God

Trinity IV

Be Ye Therefore Merciful  (based on Luke 6:36-42)

Trinity III

Called to Witness to Our Faith  (based on Luke 10:1)

June 2022

Trinity I

The Body and Blood of Jesus Christ

Trinity Sunday

From Physics to the Glorious Trinity


Growing the Church  (based on Acts 2:1-11)

May 2022


Why Did Jesus Have to Leave?  (based on Acts 1:1-11, Luke 24:49-53)

Easter V

Doers, Not Hearers Only (based on James 1:22-27)

Easter IV

Believe in the Church

April 2022

Easter I

Fear and Doubt (based on John 20:19-23)


The Most Momentous Event in History  (based on John 20:1-10)