April 2022

Maundy Thursday

The Source and Summit of the Christian Life  (based on John 13:1-15)

Palm Sunday

Who Do You Say That I Am?  (based on Matt. 27:1-54)

Passion Sunday

Who Jesus Is and Who He Is Not  (based on John 8:46-59)

March 2022

Lent IV

Master of the Impossible–The Ultimate Force Multiplier  (based on John 6:1-14)

Lent III

God Calls Ordinary People to Do Extraordinary Things

Lent II

The Essence of Christianity  (based on Matt. 15:21-28)

Lent I

The Devil Is Real  (based on Matt4:1-11)

February 2022


Powerful Medicine: Prayer, Almsgiving, Fasting




What is Jesus Really Up To?  (based on Matt 20:1-16)

January 2022

Epiphany IV

What is Important?

Epiphany II

The Baptism of Our Lord  (based on Mark 1:1-11)

Epiphany I

Beyond Seeking


Revelation to the Gentiles  (based on Matt 2:1-12)

Christmas II

Our Journey Requires Constant Trust in God  (based on Micah 4:5)