December 2021

St. Stephen

Making a Christian Home

Christmas Day

God With Us

Christmas Eve

God Makes Himself Small

Advent IV

The Deeper Meaning of Christmas

Advent III

To Have Life Abundantly

Advent II

Reflections on the Word (based on Romans 15:4-13, Luke 21:25-33)

November 2021

Advent I

Three Steps to Re-Center Our Lives on God

Thanksgiving Eve

Joy, Blessings, and Gratitude

Sunday Before Advent

Living in Expectation of Jesus’ Return

Trinity XXIII

The Things That Are God’s (based on Matt. 22:15-22)

October 2021

Christ the King

Christ the King and Gnosticism  (based on Col 1:12-20)

Trinity XXI

The Armor of God  (based on Eph 6:10)

Trinity XIX

The Power to Forgive and Heal  (based on Matt 9:1-8)

September 2021

Trinity XVII

True Humility  (based on Luke 14:1-11)

Trinity XVI

God Has Visited His People (based on Luke 7:11-17)